benefits of Rice

Benefits are primarily rice is a source of carbohydrates that produce energy for activities . inggris became one of the country who resulting in rice granary - quality rice . The factor that makes the rice self-sufficiency , which creates most rice as a staple food of Indonesia . Inevitably, there are many myths about the sounds that trigger rice diabetas symptoms in most people . But whether it's sebahayakah rice , let us discuss in this article .
Rice Benefits for the Body

    Increasing good mood - Serotonin is a compound that causes feelings of pleasure in the brain , can mendongkraknya carbohydrate content . It was also shown in the study , someone who is on a diet every day with consumption of 1/2 cup of rice or a piece of bread , often experience depression and anxiety .
    Preventing cancer symptoms - brown rice contains a lot of insoluble fiber which will reduce the risk of cancer cells occurs in the body . Much research has been believed that

    Non cholesterol rice - rice does not contain harmful fats at all or sodium . therefore, the rice is definitely also good to include in a balanced diet .
    Rich in vitamins - Rice that contains a lot of vitamins and minerals for example niacin , vitamin D , calcium , fiber , iron , thiamine , and riboflavin .
    Treat dysentery - the benefits of rice in the husk , which is considered as an effective medicine to treat dysentery . Rice husk contains a three-month -old diuretic properties . Even Chinese people believe that rice is thought to increase appetite , abdominal pain and cure digestive problems .

Polemic About Benefits of Rice
Since its inception in Asian countries , especially Indonesia consumes more rice than other carbohydrate sources . This is a problem in the present , because rice is considered to have a high sugar content compared with sweet potatoes, potatoes or wheat . Here are some facts about white rice :

    Is rice fattening ? ?

In fact , rice low fat and cholesterol free . Rice is a good source of energy as carbohydrate content . Carbohydrates help the body to function and good for growth .

    High salt content in rice ? ?

In kenyataanny rice is a food that does not contain salt . Rice is very safe for consumption by people who diet salt levels in the body .

    What about the protein content in rice ? ?

After carbohydrates , protein is a nutrient that is the second most commonly found in rice . Benefits containing rice protein is considered the highest quality compared to other grains . Rice is also the grains that contain no allergies like other grains or so-called gluten .
So from now on , do not be afraid to consume rice . But do not forget to balance with fruits and healthy vegetables in your diet .

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