benefits ; kiwi fruit

People interested in kiwifruit as a brilliant green color and exotic flavor . But , the real uniqueness comes from the kiwi fruit kiwi fruit for health benefits . Read fourteen kiwi for health benefits , interesting facts , and how to use this amazing powerfood .
14 Kiwi Fruit Benefits for Health

    Enzymes help your digestion
    Kiwi contains actinidain raw , enzyme - soluble proteins that help digest food similar to papain in papaya or bromelain in pineapple .
    Helps Manage Blood Pressure
    Kiwi fruit high in potassium help maintain electrolyte levels in balance by counteracting the effects of sodium .

    Protect from DNA Damage
    A study by Collins , Horska and Hotten indicate that the unique combination of antioxidants in kiwifruit helps protect cellular DNA from oxidative damage . Some experts conclude it can help prevent cancer .
    Improving Immune
    High kiwi fruit vitamin C content along with other antioxidant compounds have been shown to boost the immune system .
    For Kiwi BadanBuah low weight and glycemic index high fiber content means it will not be in a hurry to make a strong insulin like other fruits with high sugar content , so that no body will respond by storing fat .
    Improve Digestive Health
    Kiwi is a great source of fiber . This is to prevent constipation and other digestive problems .
    Helps eliminate Toxins
    Kiwi fuzzy fiber helps bind and remove toxins from your digestive tract .
    Helps Fight Heart Disease
    Eat 2-3 kiwi fruit a day has been proven to reduce the potential for blood clots by 18 % and reduce triglycerides by 15 % . Many people take aspirin to reduce blood clotting , but this causes a lot of side effects including inflammation and intestinal bleeding . Kiwi fruit has anti - clotting benefits without the same side effects , only additional health benefits alone !
    Suitable For Diabetics
    Kiwi is classified in the category of ' low ' for the glycemic index , which means it does not raise blood sugar quickly . It has a glycemic load of 4 which means it is safe for diabetics .
    Protects Against Macular Degeneration and Other Eye Problems
    Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in older adults . A study of more than 110,000 men and women showed that eating 3 or more servings of fruit per day decreased macular degeneration by 36 % . It is thought to be related to the high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin kiwi , both of which are natural chemicals found in the human eye . Although both fruits and vegetables studied, the same effect is not shown for vegetables .
    For Alkaline Balance
    Kiwi is included in the category of ' most base ' for fruits , which means it has a rich supply of minerals to replace the excess acid , most people consume kiwi fruit . Some of the benefits of the body's acid / alkaline balance for : young skin , better sleep, abundant physical energy , prevent colds , relieve arthritis , and reduce osteoporosis .
    To KulitKiwi are good sources of vitamin E , an antioxidant known to protect skin from degeneration .
    The taste of the exotic
    Kiwis look and taste delicious . Children often mensukai them because they are so different from most other fruits .
    For it is always a good nutritional balance , rather than a variety of foods . Each food has its own unique qualities and strengths . The problem with most diets is that we eat as a meal . This increases the chances of us do not get enough essential nutrients .
    Surely Organic
    Kiwi fruit is a list of foods that are generally safer than many pesticide residues . In 2012 kiwifruit mwnjadi top 10 safest food . While it is good to support if organic , it is also good to know if there is a big danger , if organic is not available or feasible for you .

Kiwifruit contain measurable amounts of oxalates , substances that occur naturally in many plants and animals . When oxalates become too concentrated in body fluids , they can crystallize and cause health problems . People with kidney problems or gallbladder disease should avoid the kiwi fruit . There is much controversy about the amount required to be significant , especially from plants .

Kiwifruit also contain enzymes associated with latex , fruit allergy syndrome . If you have a latex allergy , you may also be allergic to kiwi . Since the ripening fruit with ethylene gas increase these substances , organic kiwi are not treated with gas will have fewer allergy -causing compounds . Cooking also menguerangi enzyme .

Now that you know the benefits of kiwi fruit for health , kiwi fruit is not suitable for people with allergies , kidney and gall bladder disease , but is more suitable for people with diabetes .

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