banana tree

Banana plants , like other plants , consists of roots , stems , leaves and fruit . Tropical plants with large size this is special because almost all its parts can be used in everyday human life . Not just any fruit , the trunk of the tree , fruit skin and even banana leaves also have a good variety of benefits for humans . And that became the focus of study in this article is part of a banana tree . Among all parts of the banana tree , may be batanglah the least utilized . This is related to the lack of adequate information on the benefits of banana tree that is not less than other parts . The following description of the benefits of banana tree that you may not know .

Content of Banana Tree

Prior to parse the benefits of banana trees , no exaggeration if we break down what compounds were stored in that section . Indeed scientifically , does not accurately called banana tree trunks because the banana is only apparent that is composed of the midrib . So that scientifically , the mention of which is true banana plants . The compounds contained in precisely the banana tree trunk sections are substances anthraquinone , saponins , flavonoids , acids askrobat and many others .

Anthraquinone substance is very beneficial for healthy hair , especially in the case of foster and nourish as well as cope with the loss . Meanwhile saponin substance itself has benefits wounds heal faster because more active blood vessels close the wound . Meanwhile askrobat acid serves to memprerkuat and accelerate the growth of new connective tissue or collagen and will have a positive effect on the skin . The latter is flavonoids . This substance is known to be very beneficial overcoming inflammation because the anti- inflammatory nature .

Benefits of Banana Tree Trunk

Part of the banana tree is very useful is the heart of banana stems . This heart is obtained by opening the layers upon layers of banana trunk release . Layer with white , red and brown are part of a common heart banana stems primarily utilized in culinary terms . This banana stem , at regular Jogjakarta processed into small Makana like chips . Meanwhile , in other areas such as South Sulawesi , heart of banana stems prevalent even penggugah processed into vegetable tastes delicious .

In addition to the culinary raw materials , the benefits of the banana tree is also quite diverse , especially in terms of beauty . Banana tree sap is very well applied to the face can cause your skin to regenerate . In addition, the banana trees can also be used to treat hair loss and also fertilize . The way is easy , if you find the banana tree has been cut down and partially baying still stuck in the ground , holes in the center of the stem immediately to form a bowl . You can cover them with leaves or plastic . Wait until tomorrow morning , you will find a bowl to the shaft filled with water . Use the water on your hair . Do it as often as possible until the results are visible . Besides bekhasiat nourish hair , this water is also used as a cleanser powerful turns blood after childbirth , to prevent gray hair , a drug nephritis , syphilis , hemorrhoids bleed , dysentery , diarrhea and many others .

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