benefits of acupuncture

Acupuncture For Health Benefits, Acupuncture is a treatment method that is aged for a long time . Treatment with this needle is so developed in China . Healing effects of the disease have been tested . In fact , a lot of research that specifically addresses the effects of acupuncture on health . Here are some of the benefits of acupuncture that has been scientifically tested :

Particular pressure on acupuncture points has a healing effect on back pain by up to 15 percent . The percentage of recovery is the same as is done with acupuncture needling . Acupuncture is applied to the back pain was as effective as pharmaceutical drug delivery method or treatment with kiropraksi .

Acupuncture can be effective drugs work . A Chinese study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in August 2012 states , patients with depression less anxiety after taking the drug fluoxetine ( Prozac ) , along with a low dose of acupuncture treatments . Simultaneously , acupuncture can reduce the side effects of the drug .

Acupuncture heals stomach pain wrapped around . The Brazilian study found that acupuncture can relieve heartburn and indigestion in pregnant women .

Acupuncture removes the effect of radiotherapy . In cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy , often experience side effects such as nausea , dry mouth , and so on . The study, published in the American Cancer Society said , giving acupuncture in patients undergoing radiotherapy can eliminate or at least reduce the possibility of side effects occurring . Acupuncture is also said to be a way to improve the quality of life of cancer patients .

Acupuncture can cure headaches prolonged . In a review of 22 studies involving acupuncturist , this treatment can cure migraine dansakit head because of the tension .

Acupuncture can be used as an alternative to reduce weight . This is demonstrated in a study published in the journal Obesity Korea . It stated that the weight reduction program with acupuncture will improve the success of the program .

Acupuncture therapy is a type of treatment that is done in a way unique alternative media through which needles are inserted at acupuncture points of the human body skin . Various alternative treatment methods that are circulating today such as acupuncture , has actually been done since time immemorial .

Acupuncture is a treatment method that originated from mainland China , which was later found and developed with the observations made since thousands of years and didadari by the phenomenon of balance in the human body to health problems .

Currently we easily met acupuncture clinics acupuncture which is an adaptation that has been done a long time and provide the benefits of acupuncture is effective in treating health problems .

Acupuncture in standard Mandarin , which is the literal meaning of needles ( moxibustion ) , is a technique of inserting or manipulating needles into " acupuncture points " of the body . When viewed from the teaching of the science of acupuncture , the means will restore the health and fitness in particular , is very good for treating pain .

Then the definition and development of character acupuncture points , the standardization carried out by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) . Acupuncture originated from China ( China ) , which is generally associated with traditional Chinese medicine . Acupuncture therapy in the treatment , utilizing the stimulation of acupuncture points of the body to affect the flow of bioenergy are based on the philosophy of balancing the relationship between the surface of the body and organs through specific meridian system .

The benefits of acupuncture , can be felt by doing various types of acupuncture as follows :

    Massage / fingertip pressure ( Acupresure )
    Stick a needle ( acupuncture )
    Injected fluid ( Aquapunktur )
    Laser beam ( Laserpunktur )
    Ultra Sound ( Sonopunktur )
    implant therapy

benefits of Acupuncture

1 . Angina

Angina symptoms of heart disease that is characterized by pain in the area around the chest . In a study suggests angina can be cured by using a pair of needle that is connected to the battery ( electro- acupuncture ) . This will create electrical stimulation that helps patients with angina .

2 . CTS ( Carpal Tunnel Syndrome )

In patients with CTS experience pain in the hands and fingers tingling as diseases that are caused by many things such as frequent lifting heavy objects , or wrist pressure due to too much use of a keyboard or mouse .

3 . Morning Sickness

Morning sickness experienced by many pregnant women , especially in the early pregnancy signs are still prone to nausea and vomiting . Many studies have shown that the method of acupuncture is an effective way to reduce the symptoms .

4 . Sterility ( Infertility )

Many studies that have provided positive results with acupuncture method to get pregnant fast way to improve sperm quality and strength . But that must be considered , acupuncture should be performed by a competent acupuncturist who has been trained in order to deliver optimal results .

5 . Depression

Like mental patients , depression may utilize acupuncture methods for treating the symptoms associated with the disorder , such as to cope with stress . Not only to treat patients with depression , but acupuncture provide a relaxing effect as anti-depressant drugs work more effectively .

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