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Manufacturer calculator , not only want to improve their quality alone . Joint Meeting Subject Teacher ( MGMPs ) Mathematics Jakarta , Casio held a workshop for junior high school math teacher . With the theme " Matematics For Golden Generation " Casio is the first activity held for junior level . This activity is in the form of training of trainers learning math with a calculator tool .

" Casio has always wanted to provide support , both for junior and senior high school level , " said Mulyono , Division of School Business PT Kasindo ( Casio ) . Casio does not aim directly to school children , but more important to the teachers . This is because Casio wanted teachers to know about the first technology in the world of mathematics . After that the teachers would by itself as a medium of spreading information to their students . Casio wants to educate the teacher , learning math using a calculator will be easier . Not only is it easier math with a calculator calculation becomes faster . Thus, in a two- step could have been missed . The use of the calculator itself among students is not enough . " But here we want to provide the missing information to teachers that we have technology that can help learn math . Our bottom line as their tools , " he added . Casio hopes to provide additional ability of teachers to utilize existing technologies . So according Mulyono , answer the questions will be about as easy to make . Casio wants to use these calculators , teachers can make about the natural numbers .

Not the numbers that are reconditioned to facilitate the students to answer questions . For example, no longer special angle , 30 , 60 and 90 degrees . But with numbers like taking the measurements of pure natural . " For example, we know the root of 4 is 2 , but if the roots of 4.5 would be difficult to quantify with the manual . This is what we want to give an understanding , "said Mulyono .

So by using a calculator , the teacher can make the problems are not just dwell on calculations alone . But more to the matter of analysis that make children more creative . And this also is the target Casio , paradigms change teachers about the questions that dwell on the matter of the count . " We still teach the material to students with math concepts . But do not focus in the calculation so do not let the child spend time to dwell on the matter of the count . By using the calculator the kids can have a lot more creative time , " he said .

So far the response generated is also quite good . There is a teacher 's desire to have . There is considerable interest and enthusiasm of the teachers . They also agree that this kind of training is given in a longer time . The technology itself is owned Casio calculators allow students to get the same sensation as counting manually . With technology " Natural Display " , allowing existing text can be written in the book of the same writing dikalkulator .

" There are several types of calculators . Calculator all in one junior high school lessons there. But for junior not use formula , more focus on the calculation problem , "added Mulyono

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