Pomegranate Health Benefits

Pomegranate Health Benefits, It is appropriate that we take pride in Indonesia's rich natural with a variety of natural resources therein . Forests and sea we have abundant wealth of biodiversity that can be used for natural treatment .

For example , the Pomegranate fruit has many benefits for the content of cure various kinds of diseases such as gingivitis , bleeding , accelerate wound healing , worms , dry throat , vaginal discharge , cough , hoarseness or to lose weight .

Pomegranate Punica granatum has the Latin name of this L is the plant of the family Punicaceae scattered in various subtropical to tropical regions .

In Indonesia also found Pomegranate as diverse for each region . In Aceh , for example , called Glima , in Batak by Dalimo , Dalima Sundanese , Sasak with Jeliman and much more .

There are many substances in the Pomegranate fruit like granatin , betulic acid , ursolic acid , elligatanin , resin , calcium oxalate , as well as starch , and in the root bark and bark alkaloid containing 1 % , 20 % elligatanin , metilpelletirine , pseudopelletierine , and others .

While the leaves of the plant contain calcium oxalate , fat , sulfur , tannins , and alkaloids . Pomegranate has been widely used to cure various kinds of diseases by traditional society . Let us consider some of the diseases that can be cured by the properties of the Pomegranate .
Tearing Cancer

Probably not much known that Pomegranate can cause cancer cells destroy themselves or stimulating apoptosis ( cancer cell suicide process ) .

Laboratory studies show that Pomegranate juice is not sweetened will trigger apoptosis of breast cancer cells , colon cancer , and prostate cancer by activating genes and enzymes that function in regulating apoptosis in cancer cells .
protecting the Heart

Research shows that eating about 8 ounces Pomegranate juice each day of the 3 -month period is helpful in reducing bad cholesterol levels , improve blood circulation to the heart in patients with coronary heart disease and can lower blood pressure and reduce the narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the brain .
reduce Stress

In a study conducted by Queen Margaret University Edinburgh found that Pomegranate juice can help get rid of stress and calms the heart .

This can happen because of Pomegranate can reduce levels of cortisol or stress hormones in our saliva while reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure so it helps you to be more relaxed . Enough with Pomegranate juice as much as 2.5 cups a day then you can reduce stress levels .
Fight Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a scourge for the women today . However , do not worry because the Pomegranate fruit juice consistently will help prevent and reduce some types of breast cancer .

In a research note that Pomegranate fruits contain phytochemicals called ellagitannin in sufficient quantities . Ellagitannin can reduce the progression of breast cancer cells that are responsive to estrogen .

It works by inhibiting aromatase is , the primary enzyme that the body uses to produce estrogen and have an important role in breast development .
Preventing Prostate Cancer

Pomegranate fruit juice was able to prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer as has been proven by scientists from the University of California . When the compounds in Pomegranate injected , there will be adhesion or attraction between cancer cells .

It is a marker that cancer cells are less separated and make them less likely to spread to all parts of the body .

That's some of the properties owned by Pomegranate fruit . Pomegranate fruit Eating regularly is very useful to cure various dangerous diseases as described above .

Pomegranate cheap and will not cause any side effects . You probably will not feel like the results spontaneously when we take medical drugs . But " Alon-Alon origin kelakon " Pomegranate fruit is important to consume in order to feel its remarkable properties .
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