Benefits of Fruits Mango

Benefits of Fruits Mango - Mango or we often call this mempelam belong to the genus Mangifera , consisting of 35-40 members , and tribal Anacardiaceae.Dan has the Latin name Mangifera Indica Mango . besides much liked by many people because having a very bad taste and the price is very affordable too sweet mangoes because it almost every house plant because it does not need a lot of special care . mango fruit has many benefits for beauty and health for our bodies . and this occasion I will share to my friends about the Health Benefits of Mango for our bodies .

Benefits of Mango
Illustration Mango

Mango fruit is ripe commonly eaten fresh , as table fruit or a mixture of ice , in the form of slices or blender . while the young fruit often used for blending dirujak , and this mango contains Vitamin A and C are very beneficial for our body . just let's us peek Benefits This fruit .

Mango Fruit Benefits To Improve Immunity And endurance
The amount of vitamin C and vitamin A are sufficient , plus 25 kinds of carotenoids in mango helps keep your immune system healthy and strong .

Efficacy Mango To Lower Cholesterol
Tinnginya fiber , pectin and vitamin C in mangoes helps to lower blood cholesterol levels .

Efficacy Mango For Skin Lightening
The compounds in the mango able to clear pores and eliminate acne on the skin . Can be used both internally and externally for the skin .

Efficacy Mango For Antioxidants and cancer prevention
Mango fruit contains many antioxidant compounds are quite effective in preventing cancer that usually comes from the oxidation of many substances produced by the body . As for the antioxidant that plays a role in cancer prevention including quercetin , isoquercitrin , astragalin , fisetin , gallic acid and methylgallat .

Savor Mango Fruit For Good for eye health
A cup of mango supplies 25 percent of the daily value of vitamin A as needed. Therefore , the consumption of mangoes good for clarity of vision and prevent dry eyes .

Efficacy Mango Alkali To Meet Needs
Tartaric acid , malic acid , and citric acid in this fruit helps keep the body's alkaline reserve .

Efficacy Mango To Normalize Insulin Levels
Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood . Mango fruit also has a relatively low glycemic index ( 41-60 ) so pretty mengkosumsi mango is not harmful to your sugar levels .

Mango Fruit Benefits To Improve Digestion
Fiber in the mango also help smooth digestion and secretion of digestive results .

Benefits of Fruits Mango For Heartburn Treatment
Heat of sunburn can cause muscle fatigue and diuretic problems . " Heat waves " causing kidney suffered in neutralizing toxic overload . At times like these cooling the body by consuming mango juice is strongly recommended .

Hopefully what has been discussed here becomes beneficial for all , and feel free to share the article Benefits of Fruits Mango
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