green tea benefits

Benefits of green tea very much at all to the health or treatment of various diseases , and one of them is to prevent heart disease . A Japanese study recently conducted for 11 years and involved more than 40,000 men and women aged 40 to 79 , found that people who drank four cups of green tea a day had a lower risk of heart disease than those who did not drink green tea . In fact , heart disease is reduced by 31 percent in women and 22 percent in men . to know more about the benefits of green tea the following list of 10 health benefits of green tea :

    Prevent cancer . Research has shown that green tea has the potential to fight various cancers . A laboratory study conducted at McGill University in Montreal found that the antioxidants in green tea can shrink prostate tumors in mice . Another meta- analysis of the data found that consuming green tea regularly can reduce the risk of lung cancer by 18 % . Another study conducted in Japan found that green tea consumption can be correlated to lower risk of breast cancer recurrence in women .

    Help you lose weight . If you want to lose fat around your belly , consuming green tea can be a simple way that is natural . A new study suggests that green tea extract can increase calorie burning by the body . These things certainly can reduce blood fat , cholesterol , bloating , detoxifies the body and suppress the appetite prematurely . So the best way to reduce belly fat you can consume green tea as well as regular exercise . You can also add green tea with a slice of lemon to get the double benefit of green tea . Lemon fruit is rich in vitamin C which is essential for healthy skin , bones and teeth and the immune system .

    Maintain Heart Health . Green tea is beneficial for heart health because of its ability to lower blood cholesterol , green tea has been shown to assist the body in burning dangerous form of fat . Large -scale studies have been done on green tea and have managed to find that green tea can prevent heart disease in the long term . A trial in Japan discovered another benefit of green tea is that people who drank at least four cups of green tea every day can reduce the severity of heart disease in men .

    Maintaining heart health . Clinical studies show that green tea can keep your overall heart health . Animal studies have also shown that green tea can protect the liver from the negative effects caused by toxic substances such as alcohol . Green tea is also included in the list of foods that can cleanse the liver .

    Preventing diabetes . Green tea may reduce the risk of diabetes . Green tea acts to help regulate glucose levels and slow the rise in blood sugar . It also triggers the production of insulin and stimulates and activates the function of the pancreas to some extent sugar levels . A study showed that green tea may prevent the development of type 1 diabetes , and could even be used as a diabetes drug . For it is by consuming green tea you will get benefits for preventing diabetes .

    Maintain a healthy body . Green tea can improve overall immunity . Several studies in laboratory animals even showed promising evidence that green tea can slow the aging process and even make us live longer . Therefore glass of green tea in the morning will membantut you get a healthy body and slow the aging process .

    Prevention and treatment of neurological diseases . The polyphenols in green tea may help keep the brain that regulate memory . Thus , regular consumption of green tea may help in the prevention of degenerative and neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's .

    Prevent dehydration . Results of a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2011 , has reveals that the people who drink six cups of tea a day have the small risk for dehydration . As predicted previously . Drinking several cups of green tea a day is a great way to replenish your body fluid level . Unlike water , green tea is rich in flavonoids , vitamins B1 , B2 , B6 , folic acid , zinc , manganese and potassium .

    Lowering cholesterol levels . Nature of certain antioxidant role lower harmful LDL cholesterol that causes heart disease . Research has shown that the flavonoids in green tea have anti- inflammatory properties , which protect against diabetes , stroke and cancer .

    Increase stamina . Green tea can act as a stamina booster to revive you when you feel lethargic during the winter . It also helps to improve your concentration , short term memory and can even reduce your fatigue level .

Given the benefits of green tea very much for the health of course, we must begin to notice and replace unhealthy drinks such as soft drinks or other beverages with green tea berpewarna natural and certainly provides many benefits for health .

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